
Evergreen Reporter

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Sentencings announced by U.S Attorney's Office highlight recent criminal cases

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Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General | https://www.justice.gov/

Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General | https://www.justice.gov/

Curtis Jeffery, 27, from Socorro, New Mexico, received a 10-day incarceration sentence with credit for three days served for assaulting a Xanterra co-worker. He was also convicted of a second count of assault and being under the influence of alcohol to a degree that rendered him dangerous to others. In addition to the incarceration term, he was sentenced to five years of unsupervised probation. His probation terms include not entering Yellowstone National Park during this period. U.S. Magistrate Judge Stephanie A. Hambrick imposed the sentence on September 11 in Mammoth. Assistant U.S. Attorney Ariel C. Calmes prosecuted the case.

Clarence Yoder, 40, from Idaho Falls, Idaho, pleaded guilty last week to three separate charges: intentionally disturbing bison (resulting in a ten-day incarceration term with credit for two days served and a $3,000 fine), being under the influence of alcohol (resulting in a $200 fine), and disorderly conduct (resulting in a $250 fine). Yoder was placed on two years of unsupervised probation and is not permitted to enter Yellowstone National Park during his probation period. U.S. Magistrate Judge Stephanie A. Hambrick imposed the sentence on September 10 in Mammoth. Assistant U.S. Attorney Ariel C. Calmes prosecuted the case.

Christopher Isgrigg, 38, from Cheyenne, Wyoming, was sentenced to 120 months’ imprisonment with five years of supervised release for possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine. According to court documents, on March 11, 2024, Cheyenne Police Department conducted a traffic stop on Isgrigg's vehicle where approximately 600 grams of methamphetamine and 34.2 grams of suspected fentanyl pills were found inside his sedan following an alert by a narcotics-certified canine officer. Isgrigg pleaded guilty on July 2 after being indicted on May 16; U.S District Court Judge Kelly H Rankin imposed the sentence on September 19th The Drug Enforcement Administration and Cheyenne Police Department investigated this crime Assistant US Attorney Timothy J Forwood prosecuted Case No24-0060

Roosevelt Rashaud Keys aged27from Houston Texaswas sentencedto27monthsforbankrobberyandaidingandabettingwiththreeyearsofsupervisedreleaseAccordingtocourtdocumentsonOctober142023anATMrobberyoccurredatafinancialinstitutioninJacksonWyomingSeveralmalehoodedandmaskedsubjects stole ATM cash cassettes containing US currency while service repair technician attemptedtorepairtheATMKeyslaterstoppedfortrafficviolationanddeputygainedhis personal information travel plans rental car agreement Further investigation determinedthatKeysandvehiclematcheddescriptionofoneofthebank robbers KeyswultimatelyarrestedinMilwaukeeWisconsin onunrelatedchargesAsearchwarrantauthorizedforKeyscellphonerevealedphotographstakenonOct142023showingKeyswithbundlesofUSCurrencySeniorUSDistrictCourtJudgeNancyDFreudenthalimposedthesentenceonSept12inCheyenneTheFBIandJacksonPoliceDepartmentinvestigatedcrimeAssistantUSAttyTimothyWGistprosecutedCaseNo2400019

Isamar Tellez-Blancas aged24fromTlaxacalaMexicosentencedtotimeservedplus10daystoallowfordeportationproceedingsillegalentryintotheUnitedStatesAccordingtocourtdocumentsFeb122024TellezBlancasarrestedbyTetonCountySheriffsOfficeforDUInoDLunauthorizeduseofvehicleICEcontactedDeportationOfficerprocesseddefendantobtainedfingerprintsmatchingpreexistingfingerprintsindicatingTellezBlancasillegallyintheUSICEinvestigatedcrimeAssistantUSAttyCameronJCookprosecutedUSDistrictCourtJudgeAlanBJohnsonimposedsentenceSept4CaseNo24CR00109

Hilario Mendoza-Rodriguez aged39fromSanLuisPotosiMexicosentencedtotimeservedillegalentryintoUSAccordingtocourtdocumentsJuly132023MendozaRodriguezarrestedbyRockSpringsPoliceDeptassaultbatterycausinginjuryICEcontactedDeportationOfficerprocesseddefendantobtainedfingerprintsmatchingpreexistingfingerprintsindicatingMendozaRodriguezillegallyintheUSICEinvestigatedcrimeAssistantUSAttyCameronJCookprosecutedChiefUSDistrictCourtJudgeScottWSkavdahlimposedsentenceSept19CaseNo24CR00036



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